Friday, April 23, 2010

Alrighty! So we are going to give this a go!

Over the last year, I have used a calendar to write down all the fun stuff I have learned and observed while taking on the new task God as given me of being a Mommy. I had been trying to figure out how I can continue with this after my daughter, Chloe, turns 1 (in May!!!) and decided this would be a fun, new adventure to take on! I am excited to journal about the passion I have in being the best homemaker I can be for my husband and daughter.

A lot of what I will be working toward is keeping track of not only the fun adventures that come with having a house to run (it has been so fun to go back and look through the calendar I have been writing in over the last year to remember all the fun new things we encountered!), but also a way for me to keep a log of recipes, projects, and ideas that I have picked up along the way! I have a love for learning about nutrition and healthy cooking and, although I have spent MANY years (even before Chloe was born!) digging through books, websites, etc., I continue to discover new ways of thinking in this arena that stretch me, excite me, and challenge me to change.

I am hoping that through this new project I will be able to do one of my favorite things! MULTI-TASK! I really want to have an organized way to keep archives of these topics so I can easily access them, have an avenue for NEW IDEAS to come my way through friends comments, and also have this to serve to me as a reminder of the importance of each season of life God has placed us in. It can be so easy to fall into the schedule of the day and just doing it to do it. I want to take on each day with joy and serve my family as if I was serving the Lord. I refuse to grow weary in well-doing, and I'm hoping that through journaling here I can be reminded every week of the ultimate task I have been given - taking care of my family!

In His Joy,

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